Meet Lachlan. One of our young ambassadors.

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| Aug 06, 2018 |

Let’s Play BC ambassador and lover of wheelchair basketball. 

For the past four years he has been an active member fo the Chilliwack Cheetahs wheelchair basketball club.  His dedicated parents drive, him once per week over an hour each way, just so he can join his friends, peers and team mates for practices, games and fun. He loves wheelchair basketball.  One might say, that because of his introduction to the Let’s Play BC program over 6 years ago, he has led a very active life that has allowed him to develop his basketball skills this top level and be an integral part of the Cheetah basketball club.  He claims to have a 25% shooting rate on an average day and over 99% on a good day.

Click to watch Lachlan share his love for basketball and show you the “washing machine”. 


You will be impressed.  We are.